Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Grudges.  Shoes.  Poisonous relationships.  Memories.  Nail polish.  I'm not discriminating.  I just have a hard time letting go...of anything.  Maybe a side effect of my childhood, or maybe just a loose wire upstairs... I may never know why...But I hoard both actual objects and emotions.

We moved last month, and I'm having a tough time organizing the new house.  My closet looks more like a department store stockroom than one woman's closet, and I wear approximately 1% of what I have stored in there.  I studied the racks today and considered getting some trash bags out to get a generous Goodwill donation together.  Then I got sidetracked because I started moving boxes around the bedroom and trying to figure out what we have in those boxes, why we need them, or whether I can get rid of any of it.  Shuffle it around and make excuses to hold on.  My specialty. 

As I stumble around my things, and I stumble around my life since Nick's cancer first gripped it nearly two years ago, I almost audibly hear the word "release."  Release the things.  They only clutter my life.  Release the fear.  It only blocks my path to faith.  Release grudges.  Holding grudges and being angry only takes time and energy away from building strong relationships with the many great  people in my life who deserve my time and energy.

Cluttered garage.  Cluttered closet.  Cluttered heart.  It's confusing, hard to move around, blocking the path to where I really want to be.  I must release.  I will release.  I will move forward.

I have a lot of little people watching me, learning from me, repeating what they see me do...And I can't imagine any of us, especially my little ones, stopping right here today.  We all need to dream.  We all need to love.  We all need to release the anchors, so we can fly.