Tuesday, February 25, 2014

best afternoon ever

This is something moms don't usually get to enjoy once their baby is over 4 or 5 months old. For some reason sweet Kensie decided to curl up and nap with her head on my chest today. aaawwww!!!

Monday, February 24, 2014

just wondering...

"It's a good day to have a good day!" 

I've been reading "The Secret" for a couple days.  I heard about the movie.  Then I started reading "The Law of Attraction."  Finally, my slightly used copy of "The Secret" arrived in the mail this weekend, and I'm about halfway through the book already.  I would really like to believe what I've read so far...The power of my own thoughts is all I need to get anything I want in life.  If I'm not careful about what I'm consciously or sub-consciously thinking about though, I may get things that are unpleasant.  I'm paraphrasing here, but my take away is that if I put happy, positive, wealthy, smart, friendly, healthy vibes into the "Universe," I will be super successful in every important way.

The good--I now spend a moment interrupting a series of negative events and cranky thoughts to think a happy thought and feel grateful and hopeful.  I haven't, yet, had showers of money pouring on my head or throngs of people beating down my door trying to be my friend, but I have experienced an immediate sense of calm and positivity when I've spent that moment feeling grateful and focusing on positive instead of negative thoughts and feelings. 

The bad--I'm wondering if it is a form of mental disease to actually believe one's thoughts can control things...any things...Just thinking that mind control seems a little not grounded in reality.  Also wondering if this is going to get me sent straight to Hell or something!  When I pause in gratefulness, I do remember to say "Thank you God...," but I still wonder if I'm being sacrilegious to follow this theory at all.

I learned this:

Proverbs 3:5-6

New International Version (NIV)
Trust in the Lord with all your heart
    and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him,
    and he will make your paths straight.[a]
Can "The Secret" co-exist with "The Bible" on my night table?  In my brain?  And my heart?  Are they one in the same?  Praying does feel a lot like the meditating and focusing of thought I do when trying the exercises of "The Secret." 
Time to find a chat board...Or a member of the clergy...Or something to enlighten me here.  Or maybe I can just finish the books before I struggle with this guilt too mightily...Maybe if I could just win the Lotto using the power of positive thought before I talk to a pastor?!?! 

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

positive enough?

If you're a beach person, you know how it feels to be tumbled in a wave and to feel that instant of panic and confusion when you don't know which way is sky and which way is ocean floor.  You need to breath, and you're uncertain if you will find the surface to gasp for air.  That is how our life has felt to me for much longer than an instant. 

Our once almost stereotypical middle class predictability was replaced with uncertainty the day Nick was diagnosed with cancer.  Uncertainty makes me angry.  Cancer makes me angry.  Especially in kids.  Especially in my kid.  So I've been angry.  A lot.

I like to think of myself as an optimist, but these last three years...they've worn me down, and I often feel tired...and frustrated...and confused...and yes, here it is again, angry.

Expecting my life to bloom from this dark place is like expecting a flower seed to grow in the middle of a rock.  I cannot cultivate friendships, dream with my children, or grown my business from here.

Honestly, I wish I could find my peace and my positivity in my faith, in God.  Unfortunately
(please don't judge, especially if you haven't been a cancer mom), I am still struggling with my faith and with finding my church home...And while I believe, and I pray, and I know God is there for me even when I can't see Him...I need more tools and more crutches right now, even practical exercises, to turn the sunshine on in my daily life.

Enter "The Secret."  I haven't read the book or seen the movie, but our babysitter saw the movie and introduced its (paraphrased) theories to me last week.  It sounded like positive thought combined with a grateful heart could bring you anything you could possibly ask for...money, fame, friends...anything, so why not give positive thinking a try?  For a week now, I have worked on learning more about the power of positive vs. negative energy and have observed their powers in my own life.   

Based on my limited research on the "laws of attraction" and positive attracting positive, negative attracting negative, I've decided a couple things...1)  Asking for what you want is not magic...You won't magically have a Maserati show up on your doorstep just because you tossed that request out to the universe, but it does help you get what you want because it organizes you.  It's easier to get what you want if you identify and define what you want.  2)  Positive does attract positive.  Your world is your mirror.  If you are putting angry and negative vibes out to the people around you, you are likely to get the same back.

I am working really, really hard to be positive.  Re-phrasing verbal statements.  Choosing to be grateful in every moment (ie. "Thank you God that I have a car to be breaking down right now.  Some people don't have cars at all.")  I try to help my kids identify their negativity and re-frame and re-define their situations with positivity and gratefulness.  I am being clear and concise and sincere in my requests to the universe, and I focus positive thought beams onto those wants as often as I think about them during the day. 

Let's be real though...I cannot possibly transform from exhausted, skeptical, and (dare I say) negative to a joyous Pollyanna in only a few days, so while my efforts are commendable (really, really working hard here), I still get angry when something breaks or the house is a mess, feel negative when the alarm goes off 2 hours before I want to wake up in the morning, and feel frustrated when I look at my bank account.  My automatic reactions are not always (or even frequently) positive, and when I catch myself being negative, I feel guilty for not having a more positive response.  Ironically, positivity has caused a new problem for me. 

As many people (women, mothers, in particular) are, I am a not enough'er.  I am not thin enough, rich enough, smart enough, kind enough, generous enough, pretty enough...I play the "not enough" tape on endless re-play in my head every day and have done so for as long as I can remember.  Contrary to what most psychologists would say, I don't think this is entirely a bad thing...If I was completely satisfied with myself, what would I strive for?  Maybe this is another essay (debate?!?!) altogether, but I think my feelings of inadequacy have often prodded me along to work harder to be better...As though "enough" is a tangible, reachable finish line.

My new positivity campaign gave me one more thing to be not enough of...I am not positive enough. The thought of not being enough causes me stress which causes me negativity which causes me guilt for not being positive which causes stress...See that cycle starting?  Yep.  That's where I am right now.

Do I keep going?  Should I keep studying the theories of attraction and positive energy and throwing wishes into the universe?  Examining every reaction to every thought, feeling, and situation I ever have?  As I sit here considering whether positive really is so much better than negative, wondering if  I'm just giving myself one more thing to worry about and be frustrated by...Kensie is crawling into my lap (with as much grace as a Great Dane trying to be a lap dog), grabbing my typing hand and saying "hold my hand."  Choosing to be grateful to have the world's most adorable 2 year old girl loving me and wanting to sit with me instead of being annoyed that she knocked my computer cord out and interrupted the writing of this blog post, I get to hear "Me like your hand...Love you much..."  As I stop typing and tell her I love her, she curls up and falls asleep snuggled into my side.  If being more positive brings more love and more moments like these to my life, then this energy experiment is definitely good enough to keep going with!