Monday, February 24, 2014

just wondering...

"It's a good day to have a good day!" 

I've been reading "The Secret" for a couple days.  I heard about the movie.  Then I started reading "The Law of Attraction."  Finally, my slightly used copy of "The Secret" arrived in the mail this weekend, and I'm about halfway through the book already.  I would really like to believe what I've read so far...The power of my own thoughts is all I need to get anything I want in life.  If I'm not careful about what I'm consciously or sub-consciously thinking about though, I may get things that are unpleasant.  I'm paraphrasing here, but my take away is that if I put happy, positive, wealthy, smart, friendly, healthy vibes into the "Universe," I will be super successful in every important way.

The good--I now spend a moment interrupting a series of negative events and cranky thoughts to think a happy thought and feel grateful and hopeful.  I haven't, yet, had showers of money pouring on my head or throngs of people beating down my door trying to be my friend, but I have experienced an immediate sense of calm and positivity when I've spent that moment feeling grateful and focusing on positive instead of negative thoughts and feelings. 

The bad--I'm wondering if it is a form of mental disease to actually believe one's thoughts can control things...any things...Just thinking that mind control seems a little not grounded in reality.  Also wondering if this is going to get me sent straight to Hell or something!  When I pause in gratefulness, I do remember to say "Thank you God...," but I still wonder if I'm being sacrilegious to follow this theory at all.

I learned this:

Proverbs 3:5-6

New International Version (NIV)
Trust in the Lord with all your heart
    and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him,
    and he will make your paths straight.[a]
Can "The Secret" co-exist with "The Bible" on my night table?  In my brain?  And my heart?  Are they one in the same?  Praying does feel a lot like the meditating and focusing of thought I do when trying the exercises of "The Secret." 
Time to find a chat board...Or a member of the clergy...Or something to enlighten me here.  Or maybe I can just finish the books before I struggle with this guilt too mightily...Maybe if I could just win the Lotto using the power of positive thought before I talk to a pastor?!?!